Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hacking Common Sense to put Medical Data in the Cloud

     In the March 24, 2014 edition of Time Magazine, Yves BĂ©har describes "LifeTiles," fasionable sensors that would non-invasively monitor a person's health.  LifeTiles would share data with cloud algorithms to provide individualized feedback that would presumably help the user make better health choices.
     Since the technology to do this exists, it is conceivable that such a device could soon be on the market.  But do we really want our personal medical data transmitted to and from the cloud?   Will such a measure really improve our health?
     The more data the medical establishment can access about my health, the more "procedures" they can recommend.   The more procedures they recommend, the greater the odds that I may consent to a procedure.  The more procedures I consent to, the more money the doctor makes, and the more I put my own health at risk. I mean, really, can radiocontrast agents, anesthesia, radiation, and antibiotics (the term means "anti-life") be good for you?
     If the truth be known, each one of us has already been manufactured with a comprehensive set of internal  biological "LifeTiles."  We call them "senses".  Data from our senses is transmitted to our brains, and exposed to a complex algorithm.  The output provides us with real time knowledge of how we should take care of ourselves.  We call this knowledge "instinct."  The general technology has stood the test of time. Beta versions were tested in porpoises, gorillas, monkeys, dogs, and, well, nearly everything that creeps and crawls, prior to introducing them in humans.   Of course, laboratory animals, and even humans, were sacrificed during these experiments.  If the system failed, the animal died.   But after hundreds of millions of years of testing and upgrades, a highly refined upgrade was released.   The established system is not prone to hacking by computer savey teens in foreign internet cafes.  Nonetheless, the system can be hacked.
     Sadly, our biological LifeTile hackers are not foreign entities with unknown faces who hang out at internet cafes. Instead, our instinct gets hacked most often by caretakers and trusted agents, often from the time we are old enough to communicate with others.  Well meaning parents and teachers who do not live within our skin began reprogramming our instincts from birth.  Using powerful phrases like,  "Stop crying!" or  "That doesn't hurt!"  they start to hijack our instinct, teaching us to deny our own feelings. When our bodies tell us we need to play, these outsiders tell us "go to sleep."  When our instinct tells us we've had enough to eat, these hackers tell us to "finish your food."  Hackers tell us that horrible tasting medicines are good for us. They tell us that sitting at a desk in school regurgitating facts and figures for several hours a day will help us advance in life.  They tell us to "be strong" and to conform to what society demands, rather than listening to what our bodies are telling us.
   Because we hear the same message from so many around us, little by little we learn to look beyond ourselves for answers to our health.  We rely on parents, teachers, doctors, food labels, aid programs, and advertisements over and above our own instinct.  This has become a costly error, that would only become even more expensive with LifeTiles.   If we really want to improve healthcare,  rather than simply make it more costly, we need to change the way we teach our children.  We need to encourage them to explore their natural impulses, rely on sight, taste, touch, feel, and smell.  We need to let them experience enough natural whole food flavors to develop their sense of taste and smell.  We need to explain to them that fresh produce and other foods that lack complex odors and flavors also lack nutrition, and that if a pill tastes bitter, it is not good for them.  Finally, we need to teach them to live for themselves rather than denying their fatigue and their instincts in order to conform to other people's demands.

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